Ordinary Differential Equations: Principles and Applications

Authors: A. K Nandakumaran, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru; P.S. Datti, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bengaluru; Raju K. George, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram
Many important real-life problems in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, economics, sociology and psychology are modelled using the tools and techniques of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). This book on ODE, discusses relevant topics including first and second order linear equations, initial value problems and qualitative theory. The text covers two-point boundary value problems for second order linear and nonlinear equations. Using two linearly independent solutions, a Green’s function is also constructed for given boundary conditions.
ISBN 978-1-108-41641-2 | First published in 2016 Co-publisher: Cambridge University Press