Popular Problems and Puzzles in Mathematics

Author: Asok Kumar Mallik, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur
Innovative thinking backed by logical reasoning is the key to the puzzles in Popular Problems and Puzzles in Mathematics. Collected over several years by the author, more than 150 elegant, intriguing numerical challenges are presented here. The answers are easy to explain, but one would devilishly find it hard without this book. One’s ability to construct a mathematical proof will be rigorously tested in these problems – even in the case of a mathematics teacher. For true maths lovers, there is even a section on historically prominent problems. Designed for high-school students and teachers with an interest in mathematical problem solving, this stimulating collection provides a new twist to familiar topics that introduce unfamiliar topics.
ISBN 978-93-82993-86-5 | First published in 2014 Co-publisher: Foundation Books, Cambridge University Press