Schwarz’s Lemma from a Differential Geometric Viewpoint

Authors: Kang-Tae Kim, Pohang University of Science and Technology; Hanjin Lee, Handong Global University, Korea
The subject matter in this volume is Schwarz’s Lemma which has become a crucial theme in many branches of research in mathematics for more than a hundred years to date. This volume of lecture notes focuses on its differential geometric developments by several excellent authors including, but not limited to, L. Ahlfors, S.S. Chern, Y. C. Lu, S. T. Yao and H. L. Royden. This volume can be approached by a reader who has basic knowledge on complex analysis and Riemannian geometry. It contains major historical differential geometric generalizations on Schwarz’s Lemma and provides the necessary information while making the whole volume as concise as ever.
ISBN 978-981-4324-78-6 | First published in 2011 Co-publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company