Water Futures of India

Authors: P. P. Mujumdar, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru; V. M. Tiwari, National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad
Water Futures of India: Status of Science and Technology is the result of an Indian National Science Academy (INSA) initiative to map the responsiveness of India’s science and technology to an impending water crisis. With contributions from eminent scientists and practitioners, the focus of the book is on science and technology issues; additionally, chapters also typically address relevant policy interventions. The book opens with an overview of the current status of surface and ground water resources in the country, using data from secondary sources. Subsequent chapters cover tools for estimation, measurement and monitoring of water resources at various temporal and spatial scales. Snow and glacier hydrology, isotope techniques, groundwater prospecting and applications of remote sensing are covered in detail in individual chapters.
ISBN 978-819-3948-20-0 | First published in 2019